NDA Foundation for Oral Health is now the
Nevada Dental Foundation
The NDAFOH has rebranded and is now the
Nevada Dental Foundation (NDF)
Established in 2005, the Nevada Dental Foundation (NDF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit entity that disperses grants to promote oral health. In the past, the NDF has sponsored the Northern Nevada Dental Health Programs / Joel F. Glover DDS Charity Golf Tournament and Give Kids a Smile annual events. Recently, the NDF has been reorganized to actively fulfill its commitment to education and charity, helping to make dentistry available to Nevada's underserved. Donations to the Nevada Dental Foundation are tax deductible.
Our Mission Statement: "Bringing Exceptional Dentistry to Nevada's Underserved".
Our Vision Statement: "A charitable foundation that eliminates barriers to dental care in rural and underserved areas of Nevada, provides exceptional dental care where Nevadans need it, and is supported by compassionate and skilled dental volunteers and their business partners."
Latest Activities
The NDF is currently exploring operating a dental clinic in Tonopah that will also benefit surrounding rural communities.
Contact us
Nevada Dental Foundation
600 E. William St., Ste 202
Carson City, NV 897701
Email: NevadaDentalFoundation@gmail.com
Nevada Current, September 7, 2021 - Hawthorne’s only dentist wants to retire, underscoring state’s rural health shortage
NevadaBusiness.com, August 31, 2021 - NDA Foundation for Oral Health rebranded as the Nevada Dental Foundation
Elko Daily Free Press, August 30, 2021 - Nonprofit is rebranded as the Nevada Dental Foundation

Will you join us?
Email us for information on how you can volunteer your time and services and for information on our latest volunteer opportunities.