The Nevada Dental Association advocates on behalf of its association members with legislators, regulators, and other partners. Working closely with our association members, and under the guidance and oversight from NDA leadership and member-led councils, the NDA works on a host of oral health issues ranging from scope of practice to accessing care.

The NDA is committed to supporting efforts that ensure Nevada citizens have access to good oral health care. We know that this is a constant challenges and in order of us to be successful, we need your help. Contact the NDA office to learn more about the different ways member dentists can get involved in the legislative process.

Your involvement can be big or small; from writing a letter, to attending a meeting with a legislator; from making a phone call, or to testifying in a legislative committee. Dentists make the best advocates for oral health care issues, so get involved today!

The NDA provides access to all the latest news on legislative issues, tools, templates, and guides. See our Award winning NDA Journal Quarterly Publications and NDA Monthly Newsletters with content provided from our own dentist members in Nevada. Join our Facebook page to receive current information on new benefits! Stay compliant, informed and engaged.

Member Access Page

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We have your back no matter what


The NDA appreciates its members' trust and support year over year. We place a high priority on our advocacy efforts. Read more on the legislative activity in Nevada.

FDA & ADA Stance on Amalgam


On Thursday, September 24, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued updated guidance stating that dental amalgam may cause health problems for some high-risk groups, especially those with hypersensitivity to mercury. The update reinforced that amalgam is safe for most, but recommended some patients to avoid the material. More

Nevada Compliance

Compliance 1

Nevada operates an OSHA-approved State Plan covering most private sector workers and all state and local government workers.

Consumer-Friendly CDT 2024 on tap in February

Dec 18, 2023
New release uses simple sentences, straightforward language to convey information, help promote price transparency
The inaugural Consumer-Friendly CDT 2024 will become available in February for licensing by commercial users of CDT, which include third-party payers and practice management software vendors. Read the full article.